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Enter comments, suggestions or a note about youself/your interests below

There is no cost to join SOULUTIONS Now. Everyone can join, regardless of financial circumstances. We ask for a small voluntary donation ($10.00 U.S.) - but only if you can afford it and only if you wish to. The key word is voluntary.

We are in the process of organizing a number of projects intended to give people an opportunity to get involved in areas that interest them - re-defining economic, social and democratic models, identifying solutions and ways of reaching out to humanity because a mediocre movement will not change anything but a great movement will change everything.

If you can afford the voluntary membership fee, send it along to the address below as well. Make checks payable to SOULUTIONS Now. If you can't afford it, don't worry about it - leave that to us. And if you can afford a larger donation, that too would be appreciated. If you can only afford $1.00, send it. Every one helps.

Mail to:

Suite 482
7231 120th Street
Delta, British Columbia
V4C 6P5

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