SOULUTIONS Now Guestbook and Message Wall
For the
Re-Creation and Development of Individual, Collective, Local and Global Alternatives
Thank you for visiting SOULUTIONS Now. Please sign the Guestbook, leave messages or share ideas with others here.
Good Day
I have been very ... unwell ... for a very long time now. I apologize for that, if apology is necessary. This has meant that the site hasn't been updated for years, although it's presence has been maintained at significant cost to me and a couple of Soulutions members.
Currently the Guestbook doesn't work (in terms of adding new entries) but I will try to get it working again soon.
Canada - Thurssday, June 08, 2005 at 00:00:00 (PST)
you need more info about captalism & communism
USA - Wednesday, February 02, 2000 at 19:33:34 (PST)
Megan, so far I see what I like, but like the last
comment, someone has to maintain the page.
Hugh Bavaro <>
Fallbrook, CA USA - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 14:38:01 (PST)
skateboarding is the best
skateboading is the best
paul griggs
USA - Monday, December 27, 1999 at 07:51:47 (PST)
Is anyone maintaining this site anymore?
I noticed the Billion Being Be-In was post-poned until June of 1999,
Of course, it's November now... did you give up? I am not inclined to
maintain a web presence, I don't have that kind of time, but whoever designed
this site should maintain it. It is a very positive message, and a great idea
that the founders should still believe in! It is discouraging to find that it has
seemingly been abandoned??? I am willing to help in any way I can, as long as I can
contribute to this cause, I will donate 3 hours of my time every week to typing and sending
e-mails, networking, try to promote the t-shirts, and what-not, if you're still capable of
producing them... I'll help with designing posters, distributing them,
and just generally raising consiousness, especially where the billion being be-in is
concerned. It is a great idea and your description of it is inspiring.
I really think the kids today look to the 60's as a time when people got
together to support a cause, and they shared their dreams, and they were'nt so
constricted by what society has come to expect out of them like today. Everyone is
afraid of appearing "out of line" or "weird" or otherwise NONCONFORMIST...
Well I happen to think we are at a point where CONFORMITY=DEATH!!!!!!!
Everyone can help to make a diffence, and so they should.
Auriellea <>
USA - Tuesday, November 09, 1999 at 20:37:49 (PST)
The A-team wants me to tell you that ICU do UCMe, this is a metaphor for how an Anzelc can identify a suptle victim.
Joey Koomas <>
SF, CA USA - Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 01:40:25 (PDT)
I enjoyed my walk through your sight and would like to commend you for your good work. I would like to be part of the tribe and if any of you are nomadic, perhaps you would like to join me at my farm. My daughter and I are trying to create a similar lifestyle...with more of us working to do that the tribe could help develop our quality of life as well as their own!...If your interested in helping with this idea please email and we'll see what we can work out...thanks again for a great website! JANICE
janice wotherspoon <>
melville, SK CA - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 13:22:11 (PDT)
I want to help, but I think I feel like many others. I'm overwhelmed and don't know where to start. I'm still going to try.
Bonnie Crichton <>
Calgary, AB Canada - Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 08:24:04 (PDT)
look at a flower really close up
mary harper <>
montreal, Canada - Wednesday, June 23, 1999 at 17:18:32 (PDT)
look at the sky.
katherine <>
missoula, mt USA - Wednesday, June 23, 1999 at 11:41:18 (PDT)
To Dave Erwin.....I understand where you are coming from. I also believe that society and the Human race in general is letting technology take control. It is or was somehow supposed to make our lives easier. WRONG!! Yet,, don't let it get to you, we will learn how to work with it and control it instead of it controlling us. You don't need that 50 function electronic daytimer....Throw it Away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary Harper <>
USA - Saturday, June 19, 1999 at 16:50:33 (PDT)
I've read the books, listened to the tapes, watched the videos and talked about it with everyone I know and yet I still feel like I am in shock. What the hell were we thinking? Here I am using this technology to communicate and learn when I truly believe that the pace set by our use of computer technology and the speed of information and propaganda through our high tech media is going to be the downfall of the current "Western" and Taker societies.
Dave Erwin <>
Whistler, BC CAN - Monday, May 10, 1999 at 12:45:50 (PDT)
time is precious so make it count. when the world is saved look for my rainbow.
Sam Morris <>
Worcs, UK - Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 11:01:30 (PDT)
Time is meaningless however timing is everything
Tanisha <>
USA - Friday, April 02, 1999 at 11:32:44 (PST)
I stand for a world in which human kind strives for global, spiritual harmony, to achieve environmental balance, for the good of all. The only time we have is NOW, and every bit counts. Do what you can!
Ed xx
Ed Liversidge <>
Birmingham, UK - Monday, March 22, 1999 at 15:05:40 (PST)
Something wrong with human nature?
Michael Bland <>
- Wednesday, February 24, 1999 at 14:25:24 (PST)
if you are not going to use hydroponics in the Venus Project, I thought of a durable V-shaped mesh or liner that filters the water run off from the planting soil into a reservoir to be recirculated into the soil with all the nutients intact. Let me know what you think of this.
R. Martin <>
Miami, Fla USA - Saturday, November 28, 1998 at 23:54:54 (PST)
R. Martin <>
Miami, FLA USA - Saturday, November 28, 1998 at 23:44:11 (PST)
Found you thru "Ishmael"! This is destined!! I have lived too
long without making any impact or difference in this world.
I have set out to rectify that situation. Sites such as this
others are helping me find my way. Thank you!! Thank you!!
(Gretchen-(the one whose husband let her kids ride the snow
mobiles for fun)-it sounds as if we might have a lot in common.
E-Mail me at this address if you would. And be sure to read
Wilbur Smith's other books, River God and it's sequel. Very
powerful stuff!!)
Marilyn Sparnicht <>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Friday, November 27, 1998 at 22:49:17 (PST)
Great Web Site, helpful links, fresh ideas. See our project that offers also many Soulutions at and send us your comments/feedback.
Working towards a better future for humankind today.
In community, Apollo Comito
Apollo Comito <>
Tecumseh, MO USA - Sunday, September 27, 1998 at 11:19:36 (PDT)
xenu <:)>
USA - Tuesday, September 08, 1998 at 20:21:25 (PDT)
somehow, i always believed LOVE is the SOLUTION.
we can do it.
thank you
[tomas novotny] <>
- Friday, August 28, 1998 at 00:09:30 (PDT)
I am a seventeen-year old boy in Missoula, MT and have been involved in persuading others to see the world in a different way for a few years now. Ever since I stumbled onto Ishmael in a public library one day, my life has been forever changed. I see everything in a global sense now, as opposed to a national one. People have labeled me "unrealistic" or an "idealist" but isn't usually those types that forsee and more easily make the transition between the old and the new? I see the new as it will be, and I look forward to embracing it.
Clifton Fels <>
Missoula, MT USA - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 11:17:47 (PDT)
we are thrilled with this website and with what you are saying.
our thought patterns are changing as we read! at this very moment, we are involved in efforts to halt further destruction of the environment here in Maine: the construction of a natural gas pipeline (largest project in Maine since Maine Yankee was built: $3.2 million)
your wisdom has been very helpful and inspirational. Thanks!
Phred's Phriends <>
bernard, me USA - Tuesday, May 19, 1998 at 13:33:16 (PDT)
hi as you can see I have an email address.I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but maybe I'll figure it out. I'm baby sitting Sandor's computer a 486DX 120 Enhanced Amd 16MB dram 850mb HD. So we can stay in touch cheap. ;-) He's confused so write back and help him out!
cameron delacroix <>
Victoria, BC Canada - Monday, April 13, 1998 at 13:39:15 (PDT)
Very Interesting Site.
Have you seen
Best wishes.
Mike Adams <>
U.K. - Saturday, April 04, 1998 at 06:10:34 (PST)
PLEASE WRITE ME! ;) Am writing on several topics actually.
1) Being a nomadic idealist wanderer, i'd like to meet with others who want to 'make a difference' in my travels. Will be heading thru parts of Wisconson, Illinois (chicago at least) and Michigan (up to Kalamazoo) in April, but from late may thru the summer will be heading out to the west coast/over much of the western US. (maybe up into Canada too) Anyone else want to meet a nomadic idealist?
2) Publicizing my site. for the time being. It's NOT YET PUBLIC, it's in the formative stages but i'm seeking response to help focus it more. Let's just say it has alot in common with Soulutions. The site as a whole is a bit rough yet, so that's why i'm asking your response.
3) I have a couple projects that could be MAJOR catalysts to help out all the other save-the-world projects. Also check back in a week if interested, I have a few other things yet to write and put up, including other 'catalyst' projects.
Mitake Oyasin!
Coyote-ka <>
wandering nomad, USA - Tuesday, March 31, 1998 at 20:28:42 (PST)
It's the best site i found. This must COINCIDENCE !
Czaldy Garrote <>
Davao, Philippines - Thursday, February 26, 1998 at 05:43:27 (PST)
Thank you for being your part of the "soulution". Have not yet explored much of the site, but know intuitively that this is good stuff.
Peter Shields <>
Oakland, Ca USA - Wednesday, February 25, 1998 at 09:39:23 (PST)
I absolutely love your web page. It's a great source of lots of wonderful information. I've bookmarked your site and can't wait to further explore it. Feel free to visit my website. Dolphin Smiles :-)
Stephanie Martindale <>
Anchorage, AK USA - Tuesday, February 24, 1998 at 14:48:56 (PST)
Boy, I seem to love spilling my guts at this site. My hubby and I had a big fight because he let the kids joy ride on snowmobiles. I hate snowmobiles and consider them a necessary evil for us. We use them for transportation or work projects, but I thought we had agreed that they would not be used to buzz mindlessly and aimlessly. He feels that it's ok to do occasionally. I got this really sinking feeling that I can't stop the proliferation of snowmobiles, 4-wheelers, and any other loud, smelly, and obnoxious thing that goes fast, even in my own family...... .
USA - Tuesday, February 17, 1998 at 09:53:37 (PST)
For those interested in international lobbying/advocacy, my webpage is an address directory for the heads of state and provincial governors of every nation. Phone, fax and e-mail info being added.
Donald Vermithrax <>
Ottawa, ON Canada - Friday, February 13, 1998 at 21:54:53 (PST)
It is a new day when those with open minds begin to speak.
Michael W. Bohner <>
E. Lansing, Mi USA - Thursday, February 12, 1998 at 15:10:58 (PST)
Thanks for the inventation to the tribe. I welcome all who come in peace. I reach out to those in pain.
Gemlady <>
Austin, Tx USA - Sunday, February 08, 1998 at 11:42:35 (PST)
I am reading a book called the -Burning Shore- by Wilbur Smith. He writes stirringly about South Africa. In this particular book and woman from England ends up travelling and surviving the western desert of S.A. with an old San couple. He captures their tribal beliefs and customs so well,
then slaps you with the truth, which is that they could not survive in the modern world BECAUSE of their beliefs. They were hunted and exterminated like animals because they had no concept of private property, and did not worship the same God(s). Very powerful stuff!
USA - Saturday, February 07, 1998 at 19:42:12 (PST)
Aloha again from the heart of the Pacific, the ahupua'a of Wai-malu, moku O'ahu, nation: Ka Pae 'Aina 'o Hawai'i nei. I promised the board watchers last October I'd be in touch re: the middle path of freedom from consumerism, commercialism, and materialism. Sorry for being away so long, but I get VERY busy with the sustainability/simple living/ecological economic movement for dhammic socialism, that I almost forgot Barry and SOULUTIONS NOW!
Anyway, I wanted to leave you links to some very profound web pages which discuss real-wordly alternatives to the on-going status-quo of global corporate domination of communities, economies and habitats. If we share our wisdom and coordinate our mass energy, we CAN and WILL be victorious in this struggle! Read on and be empowered:
Communications for a Sustainable Future and the International Society for Ecological Economics present a cyber-seminar with Richard Douthwaite, author of one of the most important books of late 20th Century economics, "The Growth Illusion" which describes the massive destruction wrought by unthinking atttachment to the ideology of economic growth. Read about Douthwaite and other crucial new-thinking economists and philosophers at:
The New Economics Foundation of the United Kingdom sponsors this year's TOES Summit in Birmingham, England -- The People's Summit '98/The Other Economic Summit. Visit NEF's home page at
Finally (for now at least), I strongly encourage your viewing of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship's web page at You will find links from there to the International Network of Engaged Buddhists pages with descriptions of their own global marketing campaign -- against consumerism, and for spiritual connection to the sacred web of life on our Earth. Check out their Think Sangha model for morally justifiable economic and social organization.
No Christian Coalition links here -- just sound, rational and down-to-Earth spiritual guidance to help re-build the global community and heal Mother Earth.
Aloha, namaste, peace
Rich Weigel
Hawai'i Sustainable Lifestyle Network
RAI Weigel <>
Aiea, HI USA - Thursday, February 05, 1998 at 00:05:20 (PST)
Right now I'm just browsing, looking through... It is pretty interesting... I tell you what I think after I've had a chance to be exposed to it for awhile...
Valerie <>
Key West, FL USA - Tuesday, February 03, 1998 at 06:48:36 (PST)
I have felt my heart leap with joy at reading some of the words
in this guest book. I have not even looked at any of the rest
of the sight yet because of being absorbed. Your sight has moved
me to feel that I might be able to share with others who are
waking up and finding eachother and discovering what truth is,
what integrity is, what self is trying to speak at this time and
in this birthing on this planet. I am in joy that through the
internet I can reach out to kindred heart and link with those
that I have been feeling on the dreamtime and know that when
feeling moves in me it is knowing. Dreamtime is the soul web,
the internet is the 3D web, just there so that we can justify
our knowing by seeing it.
Thank you so much for this site. Tamu.
Tamu Miles <>
Saltspring Island, B.C. Canada - Sunday, February 01, 1998 at 22:17:46 (PST)
I saw the entry from Gretchen (below) and responded to her
privately, offering what support I could. As many of you
already know, this kind of a message goes to the top of my
priority list.
Barry <>
- Friday, January 30, 1998 at 15:34:19 (PST)
I am so angry because I was trying to talk to people that hate what I stand for, but I thought we could try to find some common ground. Instead I was demonized, vilified, degraded. I am so hurt!
Thanks! I didn't know who I could vent to.
USA - Friday, January 30, 1998 at 09:55:25 (PST)
Helping all of us move to the next plane of existance is deeply appreciated.
Ray Griggs <>
USA - Tuesday, January 27, 1998 at 20:44:42 (PST)
This website makes our hearts sing. You are creating space for kindred heart, EarthClan, to find each other. We are involved in a similar project, and salute you as co-creators already walking the dream. Love, Rosalie Miles & Charlene Everson
Hemphrodite <>
Comox, BC CA - Tuesday, January 27, 1998 at 00:36:38 (PST)
EARTHCLAN - Rosalie Miles & Companions---
How To Use the Internet
as the Biggest Joke
Humanity has ever Played
on ItSelf ---
We are a group of awakening beings who wish to open bodies to their own Knowing, without gridded perceptions of Self defining reality. We are awakening beings giving voice to human consciousness, and sending a message of Freedom. We are awakening beings with a dream of being able to be in contact with our families, tribes and clans at all times. Knowing at all times where they are, what new information they have. Who has built home, who is making change and where and who is making, selling or trading products and services that are here to benefit Self.
There are millions of people awakening to Self. We, each of us have our own families, some Rainbow, some Healers and Shamans, some of us call ourselves Creators of the New Intent. All awakening Self has a dream, and it is to come Home. To be able to walk free from the systems of Control and Belief, into the wilderness and build Home for Tribe.
Machinery and technology have been one of our greatest challenges in finding this freedom. We, as EarthClan wish to use computer technology as the biggest joke humanity has ever played on itSelf. We want to use technology which has continuously been used in power over, and utilize it as a tool for Freedom.
Many people are against technology, saying that it is the ruin of the Earth. Indeed most technology has been doing just that. Some people feel that any form of technology is ‘evil’ and must be abandoned in order for Earth to be renewed. We know that in some ways this is true, we also know that this view negates some parts of ourSelves. A total anti-technology view does not allow all parts of Self to come Home.
The Aborigines of Australia know this. They use what we call Inner Technology. They speak to trees, and treeSelf sends on their message to Grandma, hundreds of miles away. Unfortunately most of the human species must learn Inner Technology all over again, and learn to remember inside of Self the skills of the Cosmic Technician. The people of the Amazon know Inner Technology too. The people of the Amazon rainforests are learning to use the internet. We want to use the internet to show people how to surf the World Wide Web of Self.
We want to bring all of the millions of kindred hearts all over the world together, and connect them in a coherent manner. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to travel anywhere in the world, and know exactly where to find family? You could know where to buy food made by family, organically produced so you don’t have to buy sprayed, treated and over-packaged food. To know where all the people are gathering, to find out about events held by Tribe. To know that if you need a lawyer, healer, doctor, rugmaker, accountant, potter, realtor or internet wizard, you are going to find through EarthClan someone of kindred spirit. To know that if you have artwork, poetry or other written material, you’ll have a forum where your family can hear and recognize you.
We want an internet page that is going to link you only to family, kindred spirit, Clan, Tribe, or whatever it is you call your roots. We want an internet page that is going to let you know that there is a world of people who have the same dream of Freedom and Re-Creation you do, and that these people can all be called up by your fingertips. We want a place that will inspire, and create space for great ideas that link us together even more solidly. What if there were a symbol for EarthClan that we could wear, or put on advertisements, to alert family that we are here and sending signal to other kindred hearts to make contact? What if you had a business card that had that symbol on it, and a Web Page that told people how to reach you and others like you?
Ah, the Internet! What a joke it will become when we learn our own Inner Technology of the World Wide Web of Self.
— Charlene Everson & Rosalie Miles
EarthClan <>
Comox, BC CA - Tuesday, January 27, 1998 at 00:40:51 (PST)
I feel a lot of unrest when I am challenged by the problems
we as humans face today.I am very disappointed with the human
race because I feel that humans are not doing their job. We
should each be doing our part to improve life on earth. Some-
times the ideas running through my brain seem crazy even to mem
when I know in my heart that the earth suffers greater traumas
than most humans do. People don't let themselves be in harmony
with their natural surroundings, they seek out paths that lead
to unhappiness and get stressed out and wonder why their lives suck.
I think it will soon be time to abandon much of the lives we
now know and learn to live with our natural world. Obviously
politics aren't getting us anywhere but into debt.I 'm not here
to complain but to say this: Nature was here long before man,
we've toyed around far too long, and it is time to change instead
of whining and procrastinating and saying "Oh, what will be left
for our children?"With or without humans, nature will take its
course. I must say how happy I am that this website exists,
because now I now that there really are people who are sensitive
to the changes that are occurring and must occur for us to
Heather <>
Oshawa, Canada - Monday, January 26, 1998 at 00:04:31 (PST)
We will be linking to your website this week.
Congratulations on all your hard work and devotion to
shifting the frequencies!
Have Fun!
The Dar Publishing Company
Susan Ferguson and Inanna
V. Susan Ferguson <>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, January 23, 1998 at 12:01:28 (PST)
do not forget to remember your feelings and respect them as
your contact with reality.
In Lakesh
Takingstone <>
stockholm, sweden - Wednesday, January 21, 1998 at 04:32:47 (PST)
It has been too long since I last visited this site so I figured I would sign the guest book again. You have my other e-mail address which is also still valid. Thank you for providing this forum for discussion and, most importantly, a springboard to action. John B
John J. Baxter <>
Jackman, ME USA - Monday, January 19, 1998 at 11:01:48 (PST)
Recently I have spent hours in the atlas trying to decide where I want to move for the next journey of my life.In doing so,I was struck by the shocking revalation that there really isn't any place in this country I want to live in...The seafood
is now uneatable(www.edf.Org)Check it out...The water is
now polluted hazardously from nuke plant seepage into the watersheds,not to mention chemicals from farming and industry,air pollution is so bad that asthma is at an all time high and climbing thanks to such wonders as the burning of the rainforests,industry etc.(,our food is so polluted with pesticides,the very foods considered best for you(produce) is so contaminated with pesticides its more harmful than good( could go on forever.I
fight these travesties 24 hrs.a day,and so often I feel hopeless in my battle to right the wrongs...If we can't make the difference while we are here,I hope our kids can.Take the time to teach them what B is all about and how we really should be living.It seems they are our best hope.I would like to see the change before I depart this lifetime.I
have my reservations though.Perhaps the B in will help to shove our way of living into the limelight at a time when most people I feel are starved for a new way to live.Lets hope so.Until then,I shall take solice in talking to folks in places like this and sharing my hope for a better tomorrow...
Thanks to Barry for getting this going..When the Earthkeepers webpage finally gets up and running I hope you all will visit. Keep B ing..............................
Hollis Martin <>
Berlin, Md. USA - Friday, January 16, 1998 at 15:31:04 (PST)
I was a big skeptic. I have now found that just using the trick of thinking of "others" as different tribes works to keep me calm and respectful. I am also more careful to consider the ideas of the other tribes. IT WORKS!
Gretchen <>
Pocatello, ID USA - Tuesday, January 13, 1998 at 08:07:13 (PST)
Hey Brian Paddock - you're absoultely right: A 7-day mega
party is very definitely NOT what Ishmael had in mind. It
ia also very definitely NOT what SOULUTIONS Now has in mind.
The Billion Being B-In is about letting the voice of the
Real Human Race be heard. It is also about celebrating
life, by which we mean all that is alive. That is (one
of the things) that happens when you live in the hands
of the gods: You don't just go through the motions
letting each day pass into the next. Every moment
is a celebration.
Barry <>
USA - Saturday, January 10, 1998 at 22:06:37 (PST)
I'm not sure a 7 day mega-party is what Ishmael had in mind.
Brian Paddock <>
Cookeville, TN USA - Saturday, January 10, 1998 at 18:36:04 (PST)
Can we make a change?
For the better?
While travelling in computer land I come across many intelligent
people in sites like SOULUTIONS and D.Quinn with good ideas
and open minds. Yet, once back in the real world I am comfronted
with people who, although they have good hearts, have yet to
be awakened. I constantly hear coments like - "well, humankind
would die off eventually anyways, why even try?" and - "what
are you saying that we should all give up TV and supermarkets
and this will somehow make us feel more fullfilled?" Frustration
can be devastating. People do want to change, it is just that
everyone seems to have a different idea of what needs to be
changed. There must be some way that we can bring people to the
understanding that most of the problems (if not all of them) in
our society are merely branches on a tree. This tree is our
lifestyle, our culture, our system, D.Quinn calls us the Takers.
Environmental destruction, materialism, inequality, all of these
things are branches on this tree of ours. Too often, too many
people are involved in trying to cut down these branches in the
hope that somehow these branches will never grow back, but they
always do, the tree is still alive. The only thing a tree knows
how to do is grow. An orange tree does not suddenly begin to
grow apples. The first step is to find the roots of this tree,
the roots may be hidden deep in the dirt and the grass, but they
are there. Some people have discovered these roots, and have
helped others to see them also, but not everyone cares to look.
This tree of ours lives in a forest that was once as diverse as
Los Angeles, there were Oak trees and Pine trees, Redwood trees
and so on, but now everywhere I look I see trees identical to ours.
you see our tree has this habit of thinking itself to be more worthy
of sunlight so it overshadows all the other trees and when they
become weak, our tree drops its seeds into the neighboring trees soil.
So another tree just like ours sprouts up and its roots intertwine
with ours and it becomes stronger. Now the question is, how do
we get rid of all these trees wich have combined their roots
and overtaken the forest. It seems to me as if we must find
a way to uproot this tree, and plant a new one. And remember
this trees roots are connected to all the other trees in the
forest, so if we get enough people together we could, possibaly, pull
out all of the others with it. And then everyone must be
ready to plant their own tree. We cannot uproot the forest until
we have found our own seeds to replace the old ones with, we can
find these seeds, we just need to look at the outer rim of the forest
where all the many diverse trees which once lived in this forest have
been forced to go in order to escape being killed, these trees have
grown weak, they have few resources, little sunlight, poor soil, but
their seeds still remain intact. We will have to be creative, some
of us will have to find seeds never seen before, but the most
important thing is that none of us are tricked into planting that same
tree which dominates the forest today, the "taker" tree, us. If somehow
it is planted again then we must come together and make sure
it does not drop its seeds on us. This sounds a little strange I'm
sure, but hey it is late at night, and I am a little out of it. I
am just trying to express myself with the hopes that people will
understand me and give me some feedback. Goodnight everyone, oh yeah
great sight Barry.
joey koomas <>
Arcata, ca USA - Friday, January 09, 1998 at 01:52:51 (PST)
Originally from Tennessee, I too want to live in harmony with the world, become a part of nature, abandon the idea that we are above all other creations on this earth. I believe the principles of the Economic Boycott and mission of Solutions Now will be a vehicle toward that goal. I would love to hear testimonies of how people have abandoned the "business world" and started living.
David Clark <>
Jasper, IN USA - Wednesday, January 07, 1998 at 18:41:48 (PST)
This is a cool site. I have'nt spent much time on the
internet so I'm not sure how rare a site like this is but
it's nice to see people are thinking. I was reading some
of the more negetive reactions people had to this site
and I nnotice that most of them were from Christians. Rather
intence ones at that. Do they realize the pocibility that
The book of genisis is partialy responsible for mans
atitude that we have the right to destroy nature?
Oakley White-Allen <http;//>
Ripton, Vt USA - Wednesday, January 07, 1998 at 17:34:51 (PST)
People are listening.... keep up the good work!
Robert Nathan Bell <>
Peoria, IL USA - Monday, January 05, 1998 at 12:43:54 (PST)
I can collaborate with Soulutions Project with my projects.
The Venus Project and WIN - World Ideas Network.
I will to employ a link in my home-page for The Soulutions Project.
I'm hopefull for to see this initiatives.
Thanks for our hard work.
Marcos Birro Calixto <>
Belo Horizonte, MG Brazil - Sunday, January 04, 1998 at 14:10:40 (PST)
It truly is a great site and ideas, The only problem I see is getting the great people I see on these sites together under one wing to really fight the problems facing in the very near future. It wont be easy but I have a lot of hope for all of us...
Kent Reynolds <>
Perth, WWA Australia - Saturday, January 03, 1998 at 23:38:08 (PST)
Nice to meet you folks -
IMO Corruption in Government and Corporations
are the two biggest challenges if we are to survive.
Instead of basing decisions on what is best for the
7th son [ 7th generation ahead] too many are
planning only for the next election, or the next quarterly
financial statement....
I'm pretty busy now fighting the good fight to expose
the cult called Scientology - my home was RAIDED
and SEARCHED by members of this cult.
Arnie Lerma
Secrets are the mortar binding lies as bricks together into prisons for the mind..
I'd prefer to die speaking my mind than live fearing to speak
Arnie Lerma <>
Arlington, VA USA - Saturday, January 03, 1998 at 17:28:33 (PST)
Forgot my homepage,,
Is monkeywrenching violence???
Alex Newman <>
Hannover, USA - Saturday, January 03, 1998 at 14:36:41 (PST)
A thousand thanks to the anonymous who gave my address to soulutions now!,
Are there any europeans already involved in the BBB thing?
There should be... Later, Alex
Alex Newman <>
Hannover, Germany - Saturday, January 03, 1998 at 14:28:44 (PST)
Wage peace on the natural planet. A good reference on 'how to' Voices Of The First Day:awakening in the aboriginal dreamtime/ Robert Lawlor/ 1991/ ISBN 0-89281-355-5/ This is an in depth survey of the oldest "leaver" culture on earth.
'Why to?' Marlo Morgan's Mutant Message From Downunder as well as Danial Quinns books.
Thanks for the space. b
b. anastasio <>
Spokane , WA USA - Saturday, January 03, 1998 at 07:58:23 (PST)
Thank you.
Fabulous sight.
Melissa <>
Boston, MA USA - Friday, January 02, 1998 at 20:08:40 (PST)
Life so far has been a series of awakenings. I sincerely hope
that I can continue waking up to reality in its various shapes,
forms, and shades throughout my life, and to help a few others
wake up will be a joy beyond imagining. Thanks for a great site
that will help me on my mission.
Solvei Blue <>
Oneonta, NY USA - Friday, January 02, 1998 at 11:46:27 (PST)
I really like this web page. I was surfing for information on Wicca and herbal remedies, and I somehow ended up here at Soulutions Now. I think it is a great page, and I would love to see more come out of it!
Kathy <>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Saturday, December 27, 1997 at 13:12:25 (PST)
Hi to Briana, 2 entries down. It seems you left out part
of your email address. That might have been deliberate,
but if it was an accident - and if you return - please
let us know. You can sign again or email me privately
by clicking on my name just below this entry.
And everybody else, thanx for stopping by. Come again!
Barry <>
USA - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 17:20:57 (PST)
From Ish List
Frank Watson <>
Indpls, IN USA - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 06:38:15 (PST)
We are moving forward at a rapid pace. I have lived on this earth for 20 years in this body, and what I am seeing now can be explained most precisely by this new wave of spiritualism. Open your eyes and ears so that you can open your mind to the overwhelming possibilities that you have to offer. This world will be a very different place when I have lived for 20 more years.
Briana Marks <Starbri324>
Torrance, CA USA - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 13:58:40 (PST)
We enjoyed your website! Thank you! We thought educators and others might be interested in our websites:
Waaban Aki Crafting: makes
traditional crafts of the eastern Woodlands,
including Native American games, wampum beads, supplies & kits;
custom regalia, porcupine quill & beadwork, items using birchbark,
leather, feathers, bone, antler, pottery, plants & metals.
For those interested in learning about Native American technology and art,
we also author the educational website,
with over 300 pages of historical and contemporary background
as well as instruction in the crafts.
Waaban Aki Crafting <>
USA - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 19:57:40 (PST)
Brianne Bailey <>
USA - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 13:23:06 (PST)
Great pages! I hope we can reach that "critical mass" before it is too late. You guys are helping to do that.
Sarah <>
Cape Girardeau, MO USA - Thursday, November 20, 1997 at 12:41:32 (PST)
You've done an excellent job! I was doing a research about
the environment when I accidentally found myself on this
wonderful site... and guess what...I'm glued on it. I stayed
here for hours. I browsed not only the pages concerning the
environment but almost everything on it. Visiting your site
will surely become a habit and I will recommend it, too.
Incidentally, may I link the homepage I'm working on to
yours? Say YES, please. Thanks a lot in advance.
jennifer bongar <>
Philippines - Friday, November 07, 1997 at 08:01:59 (PST)
You've done an excellent job! I was doing a research about
the environment when I accidentally found myself on this
wonderful site... and guess what...I'm glued on it. I stayed
here for hours. I browsed not only the pages concerning the
environment but almost everything on it. Visiting your site
will surely become a habit and I will recommend it, too.
Incidentally, may I link the homepage I'm working on to
yours? Say YES, please. Thanks a lot in advance.
jennifer bongar <>
Philippines - Friday, November 07, 1997 at 08:01:44 (PST)
You've done an excellent job! I was doing a research about
the environment when I accidentally found myself on this
wonderful site... and guess what...I'm glued on it. I stayed
here for hours. I browsed not only the pages concerning the
environment but almost everything on it. Visiting your site
will surely become a habit and I will recommend it, too.
Incidentally, may I link the homepage I'm working on to
yours? Say YES, please. Thanks a lot in advance.
jennifer bongar <>
Philippines - Friday, November 07, 1997 at 07:57:49 (PST)
thanks for making such a cool site
kate neidert <>
abingdon, md USA - Saturday, November 01, 1997 at 17:20:31 (PST)
Many Blessing and Love.
Your "Site" looks great!
E.Bonsi <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, October 21, 1997 at 12:28:15 (PDT)
I am sixteen years old and have read Ishmael, the Story of B, and the Celestine Prophecy. I don't think our culture can continue the way it has been for very much longer, and I would encourage everyone to prepare now. Talk to your children, instruct your friends, spread the word--before its too late.
Clifton Fels <>
Missoula, MT USA - Sunday, October 19, 1997 at 11:12:43 (PDT)
I have, through exhaustive search discovered a global network, thousands of years in evolution, which may represent the best and most effective response yet to the destruction to all life on our fragile planet. This spiritually-based movement is to sustainability what the Christian Coalition and religious right are to destruction of sacred natural systems.
I am referring to the movement known as "socially engaged Buddhism". This is however, not a political mmovement, so one cannot approach it as one would a political movement such as feminism. Rather, as a universal spiritual system, it can only be approached through deep commitment to the long and arduous path of the boddhisattva, a path most of us may not be prepared to partake in. I will be back in the future with more information on how you can learn more about this movement toward the "middle path", the balancing of consciousness about spirit and nature, and how it is organizing internationally to defend communities against the destructiveness of "globalism" and other materialistic beliefs systems. In the meantime, lets all prepare for the blowing of the ram's horn to signal the beginning of GLAD.
RAI Weigel <>
Aiea, HI USA - Sunday, October 19, 1997 at 02:18:28 (PDT)
I think Barry is on the right track with what he is trying to
do with this website. However, another part of it is not only
that like-minded people should come together, but that we
should then go out and quietly open the eyes of those who do
not yet see the destructive nature of our culture. I suspect
that there are many people who sense that something is wrong
but cannot put a finger on what it is. Daniel Quinn and Ishmael
opened my eyes, and now I hope that I can help open a few more eyes
John Austin <>
Worcester, MA USA - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 14:15:03 (PDT)
Kate Kelley <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 16:51:15 (PDT)
It's great what is happening here.
Blessed Be.
Carla Felicia <>
Occidental, CA USA - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 20:52:23 (PDT)
You are welcome to visit my web site. You may find it of
interest. Please let me know what you think about it.
Mark <>
USA - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 09:16:21 (PDT)
Looking forward to blessing activities
Omega Soemarso <>
Jakarta, Indonesia - Friday, October 03, 1997 at 23:42:08 (PDT)
Soulutions! Great name and great site. We are also organizing here in Newport, RI. We are a "Holistic Community Development Association". The name is different the heart of the efforts are the same. URL "".
One thing that we feel is very important, is to link the efforts of personal growth to the efforts of community action. We are meeting with our members on a monthly basis, in an open manner. The first thing we encourage our members to do is tor register to vote. The second thing we are organizing now, is a community of people who can attend the various local meetings of the city councils, etc, to educate ourselves on the process. None of us, individually, have the time to become fully educated on the ins and outs of "how things get done" currently. Together, however, we divide the tasks of attending these meetings and then are able to all stay informed and devise action plans and press at our monthly meetings. We publish a monthly Holistic Community Development Journal to voice and to educate. We accept advertising from micro-businesses, (larger businesses may sponsor our efforts), but the point of the advertising is to lead by example that we are a "value relationships" organization. All advertising allows the advertiser to donate 10% of the ad cost to the non-profit effort of THEIR choice. The action of advertising with us is part of this "practicum of doing" that we believe in. It sensitises businesses to think in terms of community, and the relationships they value, the efforts they value, but might not otherwise think to support.
We believe that it is not so much a matter of money, as it is a matter of the commitment of time and effort. We are "blooming where we are planted" to construct a way where matters spiritual, arts and cultural are at the heart of our community. Where the outflow of efforts focuses on the wellbeing of our children, our responsible and inter-related economic growth, our elders, and our planet. We are grassroots, all volunteer, and operating at a deficit currently, however, the work demands doing.
We would like to link your page to our page.
Keep up the good work, and if you would send along information on your efforts we would like to include it in an upcoming issue of "JUST FOR THE HALIBUT . . . and the Rest of US on the Planet".
Wanda Lord
Wanda Lord <>
Newport, RI USA - Sunday, September 28, 1997 at 06:11:10 (PDT)
It's refreshing to see efforts to spread truth, it gives me
hope that there are whorthwhile motives by kind people out
there. I believe our persuits prescribed by society will
bring us down, e.g., money, power, status. I'm living in
this quagmire now....surrounded by greed, egoes, drug abuse,
etc. Thanks for a worthwhile destination in this BS
"information" world we live in !!
Mark Schlipmann <>
USA - Saturday, September 27, 1997 at 10:17:55 (PDT)
I grock it in fullness!
David Oney <>
Kansas City, MMMo USA - Friday, September 26, 1997 at 22:11:18 (PDT)
great work > i thought the chaos of governments and
finance was only here in our country but it apparently
is a world problem >> let us realize it and we must
all play our part
fred <>
auckland, new zealand - Monday, September 22, 1997 at 19:54:09 (PDT)
Hey Lance, Karl, Avi, Bob, Drew, Mark, Benjamin, Patricia,
Leigh, Pia, Lance, Terry, Sarah and Allison - wow!
Thank-you all for visiting the site and for your kind and
supportive and beautiful words.
Allison, your suggestion regarding locally-based sites is
an excellent one. It has been floated before, but the
feeling at that time was that it was too early. Also there
was the issue of structure, which still has not been
But I think the time has come to give this very serious
I will address this more in a future newsletter.
If anyone else (who has not already expressed an interest)
wants to be involved or has any ideas regarding structure,
please let me know.
I love you all...
Barry <>
- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 14:12:53 (PDT)
Having just located you through your connection with Ishmael and The Story of B by Daniel Quinn, my question is what programs/activities do you have in Toronto? I understand that this is a BC based organization, but I would be interested in helping to develop a Toronto based site.
Allison Sheard <>
toronto, canada - Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 12:06:14 (PDT)
Thanks, Barry. You know I support all your efforts. Yours was one of the first sites I visited after I read about it on the Ishmael site. Reading all the information you provide simply helps clarify the challenges we face and it offers one of the solutions. We all approach this challenge in different ways, and I still believe that there are many many ways that people can work for change. You and your site have given us some ways to do this.
People, whether it be this site, the Ishmael and B networks, Native American sites, Green sites, Overpopulation sites, Gaia sites, community sites...we are all ultimately working for the same save the world from perishing. We are the one animal who created this problem and we are the one animal who has the potential for changing the results. What it takes, at least to start with, is to get the word out. Tell people. Share books you read with others so they can begin to see. Share web sites. Share information. With almost six billion people in the world, it's going to take more than a couple hundred thousand of us to see and recognize the problems if we are going to change the direction we are currently headed. Only a united effort has any chance. There may be lots of ways to change, but it all begins with knowledge.
Live lightly on this earth. Treat all people, all life, all plants, all lands, air & waters with respect. Work to make the community more important than the individual. Listen. Talk. Share. Love. Teach. Learn. Seek the truth as you know it. Reject hate, greed, indifference, the narrow view. Allow for diversity. Speak out against injustice. Don't hide from life, embrace it.
The choice is ours. Which way will you decide to go?
Sarah Mason <>
San Mateo, CA USA - Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 08:31:29 (PDT)
Just finished reading Daniel Quinn's book Providence and recommend it. I also recommend reading Ishmael first then Story of B and then Providence. That's the order I read them and it seemed to work for me. I'm looking forward to A Newcomer's Guide to the Afterlife... Daniel Quinn's next book.
Terry Butler <>
Rohnert Park, CA USA - Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 23:19:27 (PDT)
Until people and their leaders fully comprehend the true nature of humans, which still includes tribalism (as demonstrated by racism and territorialism) and the emotional needs and insecurities of virtually all leaders, we will accomplish little. Our technology is as a chemistry set in the hands of a five year old. I wish us all luck. but, earth will abide.
Lance Berland <>
Austin, TX USA - Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 08:44:21 (PDT)
Glad to see this communication and to hear of Daniel Quinn's potential involvement. I would like to suggest, for those who don't do this already, that people take the time to help educate your local legislators - I am on City Council and always appreciate and seriously take into consideration what people have to say about our community - when issues of sustainability come up in educational ways, I see recognition by other councilmembers in the idea of needed change in the way we do things - like funding public service thru sales tax revenue which = commercial development for profit in lieu of "quality of Life" standards which aren't set in policies in some areas. There are "green" councilmembers in some communities and more are needed.
I realize that politics does not generally appeal to most people as a vocation, or hobby, but we need more earth versed legislators, and people to help educate legislators by attending meetings and voicing concerns about our collective future with regard to population growth, land use, conservation measures, and general policy issues. Speaking to your representatives does help... Peace and many thanks for your group and website,
Pia Jensen <>
Cotati, CA USA - Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 23:18:03 (PDT)
Great going!!!! Soulutions Now has hooked up with Daniel
Quinn. I'm looking forward to the results....
Leigh Keller <>
Kingsville, Md. USA - Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 17:38:40 (PDT)
Keep up the great work!
Patricia DeWitt <>
Tucson, az USA - Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 06:42:52 (PDT)
thank you, barry, for informing me about your website.
i'll gladly do whatever i can to help save the world.
benjamin stauffer <>
state college, pa USA - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 19:36:17 (PDT)
Haven't been through the whole site yet, but a friend got
me on your mass email list, and I really like what you're
doing. I've long been a fan of Daniel Quinn and am glad
to hear you're beginning an association with him. Keep it
Mark Meritt <>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 17:15:25 (PDT)
Multilateral Agreement on Investment = bad
drew <>
owosso, MI USA - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 11:59:27 (PDT)
great site! Thanks for all your work, this will help us
all work towards a new pardigm one where all can live
in harmony.
Bob Ewing <>
Thunder Bay, ONoo Canada - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 07:27:06 (PDT)
Great Work!
Avi Zamites
Tampa, FL USA - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 06:00:20 (PDT)
Very well done. I love your site.
Karl Baldauf <>
Grimsby, Ont Canada - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 13:10:03 (PDT)
I would like to honor Barry for the great efforts he is putting forth here. He has proven himself again and again to be a caring and compassionate man and I'll stand with him in our quest to make life livable. Onward!
Lance Pierce <>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 09:33:14 (PDT)
Just breaking in the new page and inviting you all to use
it - to participate, to communicate or just to say hello.
Barry <>
- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 17:49:53 (PDT)